55 Putting Drills (Single Player)

Technical drills designed for non-tournament season

Think ahead of time – invest in golf drills now for the next 10 years!

448 hours (58 working days) were spent making this document. Keep scrolling for proof.

Drills were made using PowerPoint

This is PPT overview of 55 putting drills. You will be getting a PDF version.

448 Hours Spent Making Putting Drills

No shortcuts in creating the drills

448 hours = 58 working days. In reality, it took half of that time. File was opened during lunch breaks, jogging breaks and during research. But still, 1 full month of pure creation. #noslacking

Keep scrolling for drill examples. 

Around the Hole: X Drill

1 of many drills goes to show what you're getting

  • This drill is made for “Off Season” (non-tournament season)
  • It is set up predominantly for “Mid” distance
    • [12 to 25 feet] or [4 to 9 meters] 
  • It is “Easy” in difficulty
  • It is designed for “Technique” and “Performance” skills
  • It is designed for 4 other “Secondary Skills
  • It can be performed in any of the 3 different approaches:
    • Goal is to hit 1 to 3 balls per tee before switching the position

Three Tees Triangle Drill

...and 1 more...

Around the Hole: 8 Ball Spiral Drill

...and 1 more.

Invest in Golf Drills Now!

Invest now and be at peace for the next 10 years. These drills are ideal both if you are giving lessons or practicing on your own. 

Golf Drills For Next 10 Years

All Drills Consist of the Following Elements

While making high quality content, certain rules and guidelines were in place. All of the 55 drills in this document are composed and structured by the elements in this image.

Keep scrolling for drill elements...

Drill Element #1

Ground Floor Setup

Ground Floor Setup is an architectural-like illustration of how the drill ought to be performed.

All drills have an intuitive illustration of green, together with red tees, white golf balls, dashed lines that were used as an aid for proper design of the drill, adjusted distances, players starting position and more.  

Drill Element #2

Step-by-Step Instructions

Each drill has simplified step-by-step instructions with comprehensive set of design rules. (e.g. Drill goal is bolded, without indentation and written and the top, while drill instructions and description are indented with a checkmark symbol. Distances are presented [like this].)

All drills have a unique four digit code in the top left corner of Element #2. Each drill was revisited numerous times – to better locate the drill and keep track of systematic changes, it is much easier to handle hundreds of drills by number than by long word sequences.

Drill Element #3

Designated Season

There is a time and a place for each drill. Certain drills – such as stationary technique drills – are best practiced when no tournaments are in sight.

Stationary drill (as opposed to dynamic) is a drill where player hits multiple balls from the same position (e.g. stationary). Dynamic drill is a drill where player switches putting positions often. “55 Putting Drills” are predominantly stationary drills designed for non-tournament season.

Invest in Golf Drills Now!

Invest now and be at peace for the next 10 years. These drills are ideal both if you are giving lessons or practicing on your own. 

Golf Drills For Next 10 Years

Drill Element #4

Distance Buttons

A short, medium or long distance button (or two, or all three) is designated to each individual drill. Exact distance is found in step-by-step instructions and on the ground floor setup while these button serve as a quick reference.

Short is [3-9 ft][1-3 m]. Mid is [10-25 ft][4-8 m]. Long is [30-45 ft][9-15 m.] 

Drill Element #5

Number of Players

All the drills in the “55 Putting Drills – Single Player” PDF File, will contain only 1 player. To maintain consistency across all other drills such as “Putting Drills for Teams”, “Short Game Drills”, and “Driving Range Drills”, this visual element is kept inside the document.

Drill Element #6

Difficulty Level Indicator

Each putting drill is unique – some drills are simpler and some are more complex. To show the level of complexity and how difficult it may be to execute a specific drill, all drills are attributed with a difficulty level indicator: Easy, Medium, or Hard.

Drill Element #7

Estimated Duration

Each drill is assigned with unique number of repetitions. This is a recommended number of e.g. 36 putts in 15 minutes, that ensures you are maintaining a good pace (not too slow, not too quick), and it suggests a total number of putts before your focus starts to dim.

Drill Element #8

Primary Skills and Secondary Skills

Every drill is set up differently and it is executed in a different way. One drill may be good for technique and visualization skills, while some other drill may be good for performance and precision. 

These intricacies are recorded in the top right corner of each drill in the “Primary Skills” and “Secondary Skills” section.

  • Primary Skills >>> Technique (Club Control), Shot Shaping (Ball Control), Performance (Challenge)
  • Secondary Skills >>> Aim, Precision, Distance Control, Visualization, Scoring


4 Different Matrix Selections

Matrix is a group of dozen of so drills designed to improve specific golf skills.

Drills in this eBook are technical and are designed for non-tournament season.

Dynamic Technical Matrix

Engaging set of 22 putting drills, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Dynamic Technical Matrix supports movement on the green, constantly changing position relative to the hole, with focus on technique.

It forces the player to adapt and adjust to new situations – for the most part, drills in this Matrix demand of the player to switch position every 3rd or 4th putt. Player has enough time to fine tune aim/alignment and precision/accuracy skills, and enough room to stand up, switch position, resetup, realign, and repeat. This Matrix features technical exercises – as such it is recommended either after the competition season or to prepare for competition season.

Static Technical Matrix

Technique-oriented set of 25 putting exercises, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Drills for the most part are made to improve distance control skills and precision/accuracy skills.

As opposed to Dynamic Technical drills where player switches position every 3rd to 4th putt, Static Technical drills are stationary – player hits 20 to 30 putts from the same position and hones technique skills. By default, no task nor goal-oriented drills are included in Technical Matrix – goal-oriented drills can be found in Performance Matrix.

Non-Competitive Matrix with Accessories

Recommended for non-competitive part of the season for players who are looking to develop solid putting technique. 28 drills are predominantly stationary – meaning that the players stand in the same position throughout the exercises.

Drills are focused on technique development – as opposed to moving around the hole and developing performance and scoring skills. Activities for the most part utilize accessories and aids such as alignment sticks, string lines, putting mirror and various other apparatus. There is minor movement on the green, as various accessories ask for stationary efforts. All distances are covered.

Non-Competitive Matrix without Accessories

27 drills are recommended for non-competitive part of the season – for players who are comfortable with current state of technique – also for players who are looking for creativity through various pattern-like movement around the hole.

At the expense of few technique oriented drills in this Matrix, this Matrix utilizes various setup patterns around the hole which support a lot of action on the green. Players will learn improvisation skills and will develop feel for putts that are asking for mental imagery. Activities are generally asking for employment of the mind and visual skills – to be able to perform majority of 27 drills. All distances are covered.

What's Inside

Recap of What You're Getting


55 Putting Drills (Single Player)

Technical drills designed for non-tournament season​

Think ahead of time – invest in golf drills now for the next 10 years!

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Seven eBooks Bundle:
700+ Golf Drills

Performance Drills and Technical Drills for Every Serious Golfer

Invest in yourself – Buy this bundle and don’t look for other drills for the next 10+ years!

You will get [1] performance drills for tournament season and [2] technical drills for non-tournament season:

  • 55 Putting Technical Drills – Single Player
  • 97 Putting Performance Drills – Single Player and Team
  • 198 Short Game Performance Drills – Single Player
  • 132 Short Game Performance Drills – Team
  • 117 Short Game Technical Drills – Single Player and Team
  • 132 Driving Range Drills (Technical and Performance)
  • 41 Golf Games (9 Mini Polygons and 32 Golf Game Formats)