700+ Professional Golf Drills

Technical and performance drills to use in your golf practice for next 10 years

For Players

Challenge yourself

Pick your favorite drills and challenge yourself, be it in putting, short game, driving range, or be innovative

For Coaches

Teach your players

Be an active participant in your teams overall golf journey. Find team drills, assign drills, and teach your team new drills

For Golf Parents

Have fun with your kid(s)

Golf together with your kid(s). Be your kids greatest supporter by offering them a vast selection of colorful golf drills

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Explore Golf Drills by Matrix

Drills are grouped into Matrix Selections.
There are 30 groups of drills, each group is designed to improve different skills.

Dynamic Performance

Dynamic Performance Matrix is a set of 17 calorie burning putting exercises. Dynamic = player changes position relative to the hole after each putt. Performance = player completes specific tasks and challenges. ​

This Matrix is made to improve pre-putt routine, setup and execution skills - while focusing on achieving a specific goal ...

Multiplayer Matrix
- Team Challenges -

A comprehensive set of 24 putting challenges designed to spur competitiveness amongst the team. Activities are designed as 1v1, 2v2 and 1v3 challenges. This Matrix is recommended for high competition season.

Players are forced to navigate through the dynamic exercises, constantly switching opponents and thus simulating real-life ...

Multiplayer Matrix
- Teamwork -

A set of 21 putting challenges where players work together (not against each other) to complete a given task. Teamwork challenges make two to four players to function as a unit on the putting green.

Players work together on accomplishing a given task. Players learn to rely on one another to advance further through ...

Parallel Lines Matrix

Parallel Lines Matrix is designed for players comfortable in structured environment and in need of course management skills. Set of 28 activities are made for players who tend to 'play it safe' and avoid any unnecessary risk taking.

Parallel Lines Matrix provides balanced dose of both parallel and perpendicular movement in relation to the green, thus improving ...

Scattered Piles Matrix

A collection of 28 activities designed primarily to improve distance control skills, aim/alignment skills and scoring skills. It propones freedom of movement and teaches control in chaotic environment.

This Matrix is a great choice for players who are comfortable in a chaotic environment, prone to taking risks and tend to pull off ...

Creative Multiplayer Matrix

Made for adventurers looking to have fun and expand the repertoire of their shots. A selection of 39 activities are full of creative challenges with a touch of structure. Creative Matrix provides a touch of structure to players in need of extra creativity. (Single Player and Multiplayer)

This Matrix is recommended for golfers of all skill levels who want to break through the old practice habits - for beginners who are exploring ...

Creative Performance Matrix

For performing golfer(s) who want to escape the monotony and improve mental skills such as visualization and imagery. Selection of 35 activities, made to improve performance skills and boost creativity with both approach shots and tee shots.

Players will learn how to score by completing various challenges, and will have a healthy dose of ... mainly to remain grounded and connected with ...

Pure Performance Matrix

Action oriented exercises to improve performance skills with each club set. Set of 28 driving range activities designed to enhance scoring skills. Since this Matrix is built solely on challenges, golfers will be forced into performance mode by default.

Challenges are performance oriented and are focused on producing the best possible score with each club set, for each ...

Discovery Matrix

Do a SWOT analysis on full swing shots and discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and tendencies. Recommended non-competition. A set of 15 driving range activities that is best utilized in combination with any other full swing Matrix.

Players will discover [1] strengths - which shots and clubs to exploit further (go-to shots and clubs), [2] weaknesses to avoid in critical situations ...