133 Driving Range Drills

Technical and Non-technical (performance) drills designed for tournament season

Think ahead of time – invest in golf drills now for the next 10 years!

537 hours (67 working days) were spent making this document. Keep scrolling for proof.

Drills were made using PowerPoint

This is PPT overview of 133 driving range performance drills. You will be getting a PDF version.

537 Hours Spent Making Driving Range Drills

No shortcuts in creating the drills

537 hours = 67 working days. In reality, it took a little bit less. File was opened during lunch breaks, jogging breaks and during research. But still, more than two months of having worked on the file. #noslacking

Keep scrolling for drill examples. 

Wedges | Scattered Targets Drill

1 of many drills goes to show what you're getting

  • This drill is made for “In Season” (tournament season)
  • It is designed for “Extra Short” distance (i.e. Wedges)
    • [30 y/m to 90 y/m]
  • It is designed for Wedges (LW to PW)
  • Other drills are designed for specific Ball Flights, such as “Left to Right” and “Straight” – this drill since it is performed with wedges has no ball flight. If you are able to hit solid hooks with your wedges, you already grew past this drill 🙂
  • Technical Drills are designed with specific Swing Focus in mind. This drill is not technical so it is designed as “Any”
  • Skills that are improved with this drill are: 
    • Shot Shaping
    • Distance Control, and
    • Scoring

Every drill in this eBook can be broken down in detail. Just take a look at the metadata!

Long irons | Around the Stick Drill

1 of many performance driving range drills

Driver | Visualized Course

1 of many creative driving range drills

Invest in Golf Drills Now!

Invest now and be at peace for the next 10 years. These drills are ideal both if you are giving lessons or practicing on your own. 

Golf Drills For Next 10 Years

6 Different Matrix Selections

Matrix is a group of dozen of so drills designed to improve specific golf skills.

Certain Matrix selections are designed to improve distance control skills, some aim and alignment skills, and some scoring skills. Read on!

Technique Matrix

Set of 24 driving range activities designed for technique improvement. Players will primarily learn technique and precision skills, and will touch upon shot shaping activities.

All efforts with this Matrix are concentrated on adoption of new technique, and experimentation of how various swing movements influence different ball flights – making it ideal for off season period – when no competition is in sight. Activities are split by 5 types of clubs (i.e. wedges, mid irons, woods, etc.) and by 4 types swing categories (i.e. takeaway, downswing, impact, etc.).

Creative Performance Matrix

For performing golfer(s) who want to escape the monotony and improve mental skills such as visualization and imagery. Selection of 35 activities, made to improve performance skills and boost creativity with both approach shots and tee shots.

Players will learn how to score by completing various challenges, and will have a healthy dose of shot shaping exercises – mainly to remain grounded and connected with the technical part of the swing. This Matrix is good for any part of the season – both during tournament season and when no tournaments are in sight.

All-Round Matrix

A complete and balanced selection of all skill sets necessary to achieve top score during tournament season. This curated Matrix is recommended for competing golfers who are looking for equal dose of technique oriented activities, shot shaping activities and performance oriented activities.

Players will learn how to discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and tendencies, and will find actionable drills to tackle each of the discovered categories. “All-Round Matrix” consists of 30 driving range activities designed for improvement of distance control, technique, precision, dispersion and scoring skills.

Shot Shaping Matrix

Set of 30 driving range activities made for ball flight improvement. By default, players will develop shot shaping skills, from distance control, to dispersion, trajectory and precision.

With this Matrix, players face a variety of tasks oriented exercises, oriented towards producing curved shots and different trajectories. Namely, players will work on getting the ball back to the target from ‘left-to-right’ and ‘right-to-left’, and producing low, medium and high shots. This Matrix is practiced several weeks before the start of the competition season – to fine tune shot shaping shaping skills.

Pure Performance Matrix

Action oriented exercises to improve performance skills with each club set. Set of 28 driving range activities designed to enhance scoring skills. Since this Matrix is built solely on challenges, golfers will be forced into performance mode by default.

Challenges are performance oriented and are focused on producing the best possible score with each club set, for each of the 28 challenges. “Pure Performance Matrix” is best used during competition season, in the midst of the tournament season. Best improved skills are primarily scoring skills, distance control and precision skills.

Discovery Matrix

Do a SWOT analysis on full swing shots and discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and tendencies. Recommended during a period of non-competition. A set of 15 driving range activities that is best utilized in combination with any other full swing Matrix.

Players will discover [1] strengths – which shots and clubs to exploit further (go-to shots and clubs), [2] weaknesses – which types of shots and clubs to avoid in critical situations, [3] opportunities – undiscovered shots and clubs worth putting to action more often, and [4] tendencies – to raise awareness what is likely to happen in a given situation.

All Drills Consist of the Following Elements

While making high quality content, certain rules and guidelines were in place. All of the drills in this document are composed and structured by the elements in this image.

Keep scrolling for drill elements...

Drill Element #1

Ground Floor Setup

Ground Floor Setup is an architectural-like illustration of how the drill ought to be performed.

All drills have an intuitive illustration of green, together with red tees, white golf balls, dashed lines that were used as an aid for proper design of the drill, adjusted distances, players starting position and more.  

Drill Element #2

Step-by-Step Instructions

Each drill has simplified step-by-step instructions with comprehensive set of design rules. (e.g. Drill goal is bolded, without indentation and written and the top, while drill instructions and description are indented with a checkmark symbol. Distances are presented [like this].)

All drills have a unique four digit code in the top left corner of Element #2. Each drill was revisited numerous times – to better locate the drill and keep track of systematic changes, it is much easier to handle hundreds of drills by number than by long word sequences.

Drill Element #3

Designated Season

There is a time and a place for each drill. Certain drills – such as stationary technique drills – are best practiced when no tournaments are in sight.

Stationary drill (as opposed to dynamic) is a drill where player hits multiple balls from the same position (e.g. stationary). Dynamic drill is a drill where player switches putting positions often.

Invest in Golf Drills Now!

Invest now and be at peace for the next 10 years. These drills are ideal both if you are giving lessons or practicing on your own. 

Golf Drills For Next 10 Years

Drill Element #4

Distance Buttons

Extra short, Short, Medium, Long, and Extra Long distance buttons (or or a combination of more than one) is designated to each individual drill. This is an handy indicator that serves as a reference to your own distance. It would not be wise to make driving range drills with actual distances since every golfer hits the ball different distances – some are longer, some are shorter.

That is why this button is a reference that tells you where you are from the whole distance spectrum. 

Roughly, Extra Short means wedges, Short means short irons, Medium medium irons, Long long irons, and Extra Long are woods and driver.

Drill Element #5

Number of Players

All the drills in this PDF File will contain only 1 player. To maintain consistency across all other drills such as “Putting Drills for Teams”, “Short Game Drills”, and “Driving Range Drills”, this visual element is kept inside the document.

Drill Element #6

Difficulty Level Indicator

Each putting drill is unique – some drills are simpler and some are more complex. To show the level of complexity and how difficult it may be to execute a specific drill, all drills are attributed with a difficulty level indicator: Easy, Medium, or Hard.

Drill Element #7

Estimated Duration

Each drill is assigned with unique number of repetitions. This is a recommended number of e.g. 48 shots in 20 minutes, that ensures you are maintaining a good pace (not too slow, not too quick), and it suggests a total number of shots before your focus starts to dim.

Drill Element #8

Drill Metadata

Every drill is set up differently and it is executed in a different way. One set of drills are played as “Technical Drills” while some other set are played as “Creative Performance“. Read more about Matrix Selections.

Some other metadata shown in this element is type of club (wedges, short irons, woods, etc.), ball flight (straight, left to right, etc.), swing focus (takeaway, downswing, etc.), challenge specific to the drill, and set of skills improved by the drill.

What's Inside

Recap of What You're Getting


133 Driving Range Drills

Technical and Non-technical (performance) drills

Think ahead of time – invest in golf drills now for the next 10 years!

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Seven eBooks Bundle:
700+ Golf Drills

Performance Drills and Technical Drills for Every Serious Golfer

Invest in yourself – Buy this bundle and don’t look for other drills for the next 10+ years!

You will get [1] performance drills for tournament season and [2] technical drills for non-tournament season:

  • 55 Putting Technical Drills – Single Player
  • 97 Putting Performance Drills – Single Player and Team
  • 198 Short Game Performance Drills – Single Player
  • 132 Short Game Performance Drills – Team
  • 117 Short Game Technical Drills – Single Player and Team
  • 132 Driving Range Drills (Technical and Performance)
  • 41 Golf Games (9 Mini Polygons and 32 Golf Game Formats)