Science at its best offers simple answers to the complex questions. It offers answers that are immune to the factor of time and can be set in stone. What are some of these questions?
- How to reach top golf condition and utilize best of your playing ability?
- How to play the best golf when it matters the most?
- How to consistently grow your golf game?
- How to consistently and systematically acquire and improve golf skills across the board?
- How to optimize performance and predetermine when will the best rounds of golf occur?
Let’s explore how performance is developed and how it reflects on scores long term.
Science of Golf Performance Development.
To be able to perform consistently for extended period of time, the player first must attain and acquire relevant skills that serve as foundational structure. The structure that is built during off season serve as a foundation that enables player to perform at the best of his/hers ability when it matters the most.
Logically, and as dictated by the Science of Performance Development, primary objective during tournament season (Performance Skills weeks) is achieving top scores. On the other hand, primary objective during off season (Technique and Shot Shaping Skills weeks) is acquisition of golf skills while posting top scores takes on a secondary objective. The setup (illustrated) creates a solid foundation that breathes best possible results during competition season.
Technique Skills
Technique Skills are the first foundation to teach the golfer how to (swing) work the club before entering the competition season. Muscle memory that is attained during the Technique Skills weeks allows the player to become comfortable with the movement of the club and to maintain consistent golf swing throughout the year. Technique Skills are hard skills and are entirely objective. These weeks are the base foundation upon which Shot Shaping Skills and Performance Skills are built upon. In other words, the other two skill sets branch out of the Technique Skills.
Shot Shaping Skills
Shot Shaping Skills are built on top of the Technique Skills and teach the golfer how to work the ball (develop the brain memory (i.e. mental game)), also before entering the competition season. All of the segments of work-the-ball/develop-the-brain that are being acquired during the Shot Shaping Skills weeks (i.e. visualizing the shots, experimenting with the different type of ball flights, acquiring the intangible skills that force the player to see the ball before it is hit, and other subjective skills) evolve and prepare the players mind for top performance. As built upon and branched out of the Technique Skills (i.e. learning how to work the club and developing the muscle memory), the Shot Shaping Skills weeks prepare the players mind to be able to manipulate the ball to the best of ones ability. The first two skill sets act as building blocks that allow players (upcoming) Performance Skills to peak.
Performance Skills
Once in Performance Skills weeks, the foundations have been built, the players golf condition is mature and the player is ready for his/hers full potential to surface. Here, players entire focus shifts from ‘purposeful trial and error’ to ‘meticulous scoring’. After the first two skill sets are attained and acquired, the player enters the Performance Skills stage (competitive weeks). Logic states that in order for golf condition to be sustainable and for a player to maintain high performance for extended period of time, it is necessary to build solid foundations (i.e. Technique and Shot Shaping Skills); both tangible (entirely objective) and intangible (entirely subjective) skills respectively. Sustainable golf condition (performance) is achieved by systematically placing the player in a position to learn how to score; via various challenges and games that simulate the real competition. The Performance Skills weeks further refine and define players abilities to achieve peak performance and maintain solid golf condition during competitive season.