Get to Know the Conditioning System

What is Conditioning System?

Create Your Golf Conditioning System and Guide Yourself to Success is a proprietary Long Term Golf Conditioning System for organized golf teams and solo players of all skill levels, including golf parents. The Golf Conditioning System allows you to become an administrator of your own game and guide yourself to success.

Golf Conditioning is a first-of-a-kind solution that introduced forward-looking elements such as Performance Forecasting Index and Golf Skills Periodization calendar into the game of golf. A third element, the contents of Map of Golf Activities would not be strange even to Bobby Jones, although, the latter is simplified and made convenient for all, as all three elements are interconnected.

The definition of a genius is taking the complex and making it simple.

Albert Einstein

Same as every swing has a rhythm, Conditioning System yields a golf rhythm on grand scheme of things, on seasonal basis. We are not boasting with Einstein’s quote, rather, in the process of creating Methodology, Technology and the three Elements, we were guided by the quote of a genius man to make the complex game of golf simple and time-proof. For example and inter alia, there are only 300 authentic golf activities in our Map of Golf Activities while 6 months worth of golf sessions can be created in 2-3 minutes. Due to its generally simplistic system architecture (Forecasting and Periodization), Conditioning System is used to consistently address weakest areas of golf game, improve golf skills across the board and achieve top golf condition (performance) at desired events.’s Methodology and Technology.

Both’s Methodology and Technology complement one another and have science of golf performance (2 min read) integrated into the Conditioning System by default. As such, the Methodology and Technology connect practice sessions that were completed previous week (or yesterday) to the practice sessions that are performed this week (or today) to the practice sessions that are going to be accomplished next week (or tomorrow) – such principle applies year round on both daily and weekly basis for all golf skill sets.’s Methodology connects all daily/weekly golf efforts from the Map of Golf Activities into a meaningful whole such that not only one day of golf makes sense, but the entire season worth of golf sessions make sense; while it also allows the player/team to discover and address weaknesses on the go, as discovered via various tests and assessments every 2 to 4 weeks.’s Technology allows the player/coach to create and design the conditioning system by own preferences up to 12 months ahead of time – in minutes. Player/coach always stay one step ahead of their golfing efforts and maintain control over ones own game year round by making updates to the activities every 2 to 4 weeks – using targeted tests and assessment from the Map of Golf Activities.

Three Elements of the Golf Conditioning System.

Performance Forecasting Index element, Golf Skills Periodization element and Map of Golf Activities element. These three elements are built into the Conditioning System to form a virtuous cycle where you are both at the center and fully in control of the cycle. The player/coach/team/parent sets the stage of players/teams golf development, consistently stays ahead of one owns golf game and maintains balance across the entire palette of golf skills year round.

The graphic explains how the elements are mutually inclusive and interconnected; at the exclusion of one element, the other would not work independently.

Summary of the Three Elements

In hindsight, the Performance Forecasting Index (green line) shows the likelihood of achieving a top score at any given point in time. Golf Skills Periodization calendar (orange, blue, and red tabs) allows balanced distribution of golf skills across the calendar to optimize performance. Finally, as selected by the user, Map of Golf Activities populates the Periodization calendar (days/weeks) with activities to justify the Performance Index and give meaning to the Skills Periodization weeks. At last, with regular tests/assessments that are performed every two to four weeks, the weakest skills are discovered and addressed during the upcoming two to four weeks.

As hinted previously, Conditioning System is a three-fold closed cycle that puts all the ‘golf development power’ in the hands of the player/coach/team/parent. In other words; You control your growth for months ahead of time; let’s explore how.

Element #1: Performance Forecasting Index

Read through all three elements to understand the graph dynamic.

The green curvy line represents the Performance Forecasting Index. The index goes to tell the likelihood of the best possible score occurring at any given week throughout a 52-week calendar. In technical terms, The Index serves as a performance expectation as set ahead of time by the player/coach/team/parent; while in old-school lingo, we would say that The Index serves as a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, the tournament weeks, as selected by the user, create peaks and creases in the Performance Forecasting Index and determine the looks of the line. In this example, the Performance Index is set at its highest during the most relevant tournament weeks (i.e. 94%) (September, Week #39), while it is lowest during off-season weeks (i.e. 59%) (July, Week #27).

This logic behind the Indexing setup sets the stage for the personalized selection of specific Golf Activities designed to address and improve specific golf skills, which are then distributed throughout the Periodization calendar to justify the Performance Index.

Element #2: Golf Skills Periodization calendar

Red, blue and orange tabs/weeks represent Golf Skills Periodization calendar element; this element ensures that you always know what skills you’re working on. Logically, and as dictated by the science of golf performance (2 min read) (Technique Skills weeks (red) are a building block to Shot Shaping Skills weeks (blue), while both are building blocks to Performance Skills weeks (orange)), the primary objective during tournament season (orange weeks) is achieving top scores. On the other hand, the primary objective during the off-season (red and blue weeks) is the acquisition of golf skills while posting top scores takes on a secondary objective. Observe how the Performance Index (green line) is at its highest in orange weeks while creases are in red/blue weeks.

Respective of the science of golf performance, Technique Skills (red) are a building block of Shot Shaping Skills (blue), while both are the building blocks of Performance Skills (orange).

Once the Index is set, the three primary skill sets are built on top of each other to optimize performance; and with regular adjustments to the Conditioning System via the tests and assessments (every 2-4 weeks), the System ensures that all relevant (weakest) skills are being addressed to drive and justify the Performance Index.

Using the personalized selection of golf activities, algorithms populate the Technique intensive weeks with activities designed to keep the players focused on how to work the club. Building on top of Technique, the Shot Shaping weeks feed the activities that make the player work the ball. Finally, challenging activities during Performance oriented weeks make the player apply both skill sets and induce the best playing condition (scores).

Element #3: Map of Golf Activities’s Map of Golf Activities consists of only 300 authentic golf activities that are granulated into a total of 1,500 individual golf activities. The authentic golf activities are branched out by: distance, difficulty, primary (technique, shot shaping, performance) and secondary skill categories (distance control, precision/accuracy, aim/alignment, test, challenge/game, team-friendly), and a few more categories; to make a total of 1,500 individual activities in the database. Once the System is created, and depending on the duration of your golf sessions, every day has 6 to 12 activities/skills (putting, short game, driving range) that improve specific golf skills relevant to the given part of the season.

Once the personalized selection (or default selection: beginner/intermediate/advanced) is made by the player/coach/team/parent, each activity from your favorites selection is automatically assigned to its designated place in the Golf Skills Periodization calendar. By doing so, the Map creates a balanced acquisition of all relevant skill sets to optimize performance during selected tournaments and all in all, gives meaning and purpose to both Index and Periodization elements. If so, the coach as a decision maker can create a Map of Golf Activities together with all the players to satisfy everyone’s preferences; the same applies to instructors and their students, and golf parents and their children.

How did Take its Shape and Form?

There are two motifs behind why I – Luka Karaula – created – selfish and selfless. Opposingly enough, they are both written as ‘one-in-the-same’ in the Conditioning System. Let’s address both.


I wanted to make complete sense of all of my childhood golfing efforts and keep on growing by the same principles in adulthood.

In 2020, I recognized an opportunity to make complete sense of my development as a maturing junior golfer, from 2004 to 2020. I wanted to #1 make sense of the previous 16 years of childhood golf and I wanted to #2 apply the same principles to keep on growing my game in adulthood. To keep on growing, I wanted to rely on technology that utilizes natural intelligence and avoid Artificial Intelligence (AI) entirely. In 2020, after playing more than 300 (individual and team) golf tournaments internationally in 16 years, spending more than 15,000 hours practicing/playing, and hitting around 1 million golf shots in total, I began – #1 exploring the human element (intuition), #2 developing methodology, #3 developing technology that would digitize my previous golf experience and create a blueprint that would eventually and intuitively drive results in the upcoming years.


I wanted to raise the quality of golf and introduce a system that offers complete control over one’s own golf game – to players/teams/coaches/parents.

Furthermore, during the same 16-year period and also as a result of #1 passively observing serious competitors, and #2 numerous conversations with passionate golf experts both on and off the golf course (coaches, instructors, architects, managers, innovators, thought leaders, everyday golfers, etc.) I was building relationships and subconsciously gathering ‘insights, experiences, and knowledge’ for what would eventually become Once I recognized there must be a pattern and/or blueprint to all my golfing efforts, it took two years of R&D to discover and finalize what was securely stored somewhere in the back of my mind and for to take its shape and form.

On the other side of the spectrum, as was in the research and development phase from 2020 to 2022, I kept asking myself the same question, how to create an opportunity for every golfer to take control of their golf game long-term and make complete sense of their growth as a golfer – using science, technology, and intuition. In two years’ time and in 2022, took its shape and form and I can happily say that now, active golfers/teams of any skill level have an opportunity to use the development blueprint their way and have a visible guiding mechanism of their golf path, as designed by them.

How to Create a Golf Conditioning System Your Way in Minutes?

Simply, create your system in a few clicks and guide yourself to success. The simple two-step process creates a Conditioning System in minutes while the third ongoing step allows the player/team to keep all aspects of the golf game in check and thus ensure optimal performance when it matters the most:

  • Step #1 – Create Performance Development Calendar (2 – 3 minutes)
    • access the annual calendar of 52 weeks and select tournament weeks.
  • Step #2 – Create a Map of Golf Activities (one click or <60 min)
    • (one click) for optimized selection: beginner, intermediate, advanced. or
    • (<60 min) enter a database of ~300 activities and select your favorite activities
  • Step #3 (coming soon) Performance Optimization – Regularly Adjust the System. Complete Tests/Assessments Every 2-4 Weeks to Consistently Discover and Improve the Weakest Areas of Your Golf Game in the Following 2-4 Weeks.