It all starts with a question...
How To Improve?
- How to: [1] connect all annual golf efforts into a unified whole
- [2] to ensure top scores
- [3] at a pre-determined period
The next steps organize, connect and optimize a full year worth of golf efforts to ensure top performance at a pre-determined period.
Choose dates when you want to score...
Enter Your Tournament Dates to
Create a Practice Plan
<5 min
...organize your calendar to get there...
Organize Calendar to Create a Link
Between🔗Plan [#1] and Program [#3]
<5 min
...and fill the calendar with golf activities.
Select and Rank Activities to
Create a Practice Program
<45 min
Used For:
To Create Annual Scoring Plan (Macro Template). To Determine Stages for Skill Development Program.
Purpose for Player/Coach:
To Have an Overview of the Player(s) Likelihood of Top Score at Any Given Week of The Year.
Enter event dates (if any) to generate Annual Scoring Plan and skill development stages (three development stages). The green waved line represents golf shape – a players/teams likelihood to post the best possible score at any week of the year. Orange area represent a tournament period (scoring stage). The blue and red areas are generated automatically and represent skill development stage and technique intensive stage. Red and blue areas are in place to prepare the player/team for the orange area (competition).
Every visit to the golf course is planned out and organized by the contents of this yearly chart.
Step #2 Organize Calendar to Create a Link Between Plan [#1] and Program [#3]
Used For:
To Organize Calendar into Weekly Schedules for Each Skill Development Stage (Micro Templates). To Create a Link Between Scoring Plan [Step #1] and Skill Development Program [Step #3]. To Allow for Optimal Distribution and Delivery of Golf Activities for Each Stage (necessary prep for final step).
Purpose for Player/Coach:
To Have Control Over Weekly Golf Schedule. To Have Control and Overview Over General Pace and Intensity of Efforts (practice vs play) Throughout the Year.
Now you organize calendar by stages [technique, skill, scoring]. Lots of activities are to be mapped in Step #3 [drills, games, polygons, …] and this step makes room for each. Each stage calls for more/less rounds of golf vs practice sessions. So, Monday – Sunday, you attribute [practice session; round of golf; both] to every day of the week. This is done for each development stage (3x) separately and it creates a unique weekly golf schedule for each [technique, skill, scoring]=[red, blue, orange]. For example, technique stage calls for more practice sessions while scoring stage calls for more rounds of golf. These schedules link your goals [Step #1 – Scoring Plan] and how to get to them [Step #3 – Skill Development Program].
The week image represents a busy schedule during Skill Intensive Stage (Blue Area). There are 5 practice days and 4 golf course days. Practice Sessions [Monday, Wednesday, Friday], Golf Course [Tuesday, Thursday], Both [Saturday, Sunday].
Used For:
To Create a Unique Set of Golf Activities for Every Golf Day. To Connect Yesterday to Today to Tomorrow, Year Round. To Ensure Optimal Distribution and Delivery of Drills, Games, Tests, etc.
Purpose for Player/Coach:
To Have a Unique Action Plan Every Day of the Week. To Have a Clear Instruction (Read/View) of Drills, Games, etc. To Practice/Play With Purpose, Every Day of the Year.
Precisely and ahead of time, determine what to work on, and to what extent. Access database of drills, games, team polygons, team challenges, tests, shots, exercieses, situations, and few more; select (yes/no) and rank (i.e. 1-55) golf activities to fill the calendar created in Step #2. Activities are mapped for each development stage (3x) separately. For example, scoring oriented drill will not appear in technique oriented stage, and vice verse. Optimal selection of activities is offered by default and you get to expand/narrow your selection and ranking upon it.
Every day (Action Plan) of the week is worked out and delivered in the shown format.