55 Putting Technical Drills

$ 100

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. View the explainer page for a more detailed look inside the eBook.

  • Invest in golf drills now for the next 10 years! You get an eBook with 55 single-player technical putting drills designed for non-tournament season.
  • You also get 4 different matrix selections, each with dozens of drills designed to improve specific putting skills.
  • All drills are designed using PowerPoint – it took 448 hours (58 working days) to complete the document.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. View the explainer page for a more detailed look inside the eBook.

  • Invest in golf drills now for the next 10 years! You get an eBook with 55 single-player technical putting drills designed for non-tournament season.
  • You also get 4 different matrix selections, each with dozens of drills designed to improve specific putting skills.
  • All drills are designed using PowerPoint – it took 448 hours (58 working days) to complete the document.


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